Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Is Psychometric g a Myth?

Is Psychometric g a Myth?
by Agrend Wisnu Kusuma (
Laskar Galileo Indonesia

As an online discussion about IQ or general intelligence grows longer, the probability of someone linking to statistician Cosma Shalizi’s essay g, a Statistical Myth approaches 1. Usually the link is accompanied by an assertion to the effect that Shalizi offers a definitive refutation of the concept of general mental ability, or psychometric g.
In this post, I will show that Shalizi’s case against g appears strong only because he misstates several key facts and because he omits all the best evidence that the other side has offered in support of g. His case hinges on three clearly erroneous arguments on which I will concentrate.
Shalizi writes that when all tests in a test battery are positively correlated with each other, factor analysis will necessarily yield a general factor. He is correct about this. All subtests of any given IQ battery are positively correlated, and subjecting an IQ correlation matrix to factor analysis will produce a first factor on which all subtests are positively loaded. For example, the 29 subtests of the revised 1989 edition of the Woodcock-Johnson IQ test are correlated in the following manner (click for larger image):
All the subtest intercorrelations are positive, ranging from a low of 0.046 (Memory for Words – Visual Closure) to a high of 0.728 (Quantitative Concepts – Applied Problems). (See Woodcock 1990 for a description of the tests.) This is the reason why we talk about general intelligence or general cognitive ability: individuals who get a high score on one cognitive test tend to do so on all kinds of tests regardless of test content or type (e.g., verbal, numerical, spatial, or memory tests), while those who do bad on one type of cognitive test usually do bad on all tests.
This phenomenon of positive correlations among all tests, often called the “positive manifold”, is routinely found among all collections of cognitive ability tests, and it is one of the most replicated findings in the social and behavioral sciences. The correlation between a given pair of ability tests is a function of the shared common factor variance (g and other factors) and imperfect test reliabilities (the higher the reliabilities, the higher the correlation). All cognitive tests load on g to a smaller or greater degree, so all tests covary at least through the g factor, if not other factors.
John B. Carroll factor-analyzed the WJ-R matrix presented above, using confirmatory analysis to successfully fit a ten-factor model (g and nine narrower factors) to the data (Carroll 2003):
Loadings on the g factor range from a low of 0.279 (Visual Closure) to a high of 0.783 (Applied Problems). The g factor accounts for 59 percent of the common factor variance, while the other nine factors together account for 41 percent. This is a routine finding in factor analyses of IQ tests: the g factor explains more variance than the other factors put together. (Note that in addition to the common factor variance, there is always some variance specific to each subtest as well as variance due to random measurement error.)
 II. Shalizi’s first error
Against the backdrop of results like the above, Shalizi makes the following claims:
The correlations among the components in an intelligence test, and between tests themselves, are all positive, because that’s how we design tests. […] So making up tests so that they’re positively correlated and discovering they have a dominant factor is just like putting together a list of big square numbers and discovering that none of them is prime — it’s necessary side-effect of the construction, nothing more.
What psychologists sometimes call the “positive manifold” condition is enough, in and of itself, to guarantee that there will appear to be a general factor. Since intelligence tests are made to correlate with each other, it follows trivially that there must appear to be a general factor of intelligence. This is true whether or not there really is a single variable which explains test scores or not.
By this point, I’d guess it’s impossible for something to become accepted as an “intelligence test” if it doesn’t correlate well with the Weschler [sic] and its kin, no matter how much intelligence, in the ordinary sense, it requires, but, as we saw with the first simulated factor analysis example, that makes it inevitable that the leading factor fits well.
Shalizi’s thesis is that the positive manifold is an artifact of test construction and that full-scale scores from different IQ batteries correlate only because they are designed to do that. It follows from this argument that if a test maker decided to disregard the g factor and construct a battery for assessing several independent abilities, the result would be a test with many zero or negative correlations among its subtests. Moreover, such a test would not correlate highly with traditional tests, at least not positively. Shalizi alleges that there are tests that measure intelligence “in the ordinary sense” yet are uncorrelated with traditional tests, but unfortunately he does not gives any examples.
Inadvertent positive manifolds
There are in fact many cognitive test batteries designed without regard to g, so we can put Shalizi’s allegations to test. The Woodcock-Johnson test discussed above is a case in point. Carroll, when reanalyzing data from the test’s standardization sample, pointed out that its technical manual “reveals a studious neglect of the role of any kind of general factor in the WJ-R.” This dismissive stance towards g is also reflected in Richard Woodcock’s article about the test’s theoretical background (Woodcock 1990). (Yes, the Woodcock-Johnson test was developed by a guy named Dick Woodcock, together with his assistant Johnson. You can’t make this up.) The WJ-R was developed based on the idea that the g factor is a statistical artifact with no psychological relevance. Nevertheless, all of its subtests are intercorrelated and, when factor analyzed, it reveals a general factor that is no less prominent than those of more traditional IQ tests. According to the WJ-R technical manual, test results are to be interpreted at the level of nine broad abilities (such as Visual Processing and Quantitative Ability), not any general ability. Similarly, the manual reports factor analyses based only on the nine factors. But when Carroll reanalyzed the data, allowing for loadings on a higher-order g factor in addition to the nine factors, it turned out that most of the tests in the WJ-R have their highest loadings on the g factor, not on the less general (“broad”) factors which they were specifically designed to measure.
While the WJ-R is not meant to be a test of g, it does provide a measure of “broad cognitive ability”, which correlates at 0.65 and 0.64 with the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler full-scale scores, respectively (Kamphaus 2005, p. 335). Typically, correlations between full-scale scores from different IQ tests are around 0.8. The WJ-R broad cognitive ability scores are probably less g-loaded than those of other tests, because they are based on unweighted sums of scores on subtests selected solely on the basis of their content diversity; hence the lower correlations, I believe. In any case, the WJ-R is certainly not uncorrelated with traditional tests. (The WJ-III, which is the newest edition of the test, now recognizes the g factor.)
The WJ-R serves as a forthright refutation of Shalizi’s claim that the positive manifold and inter-battery correlations emerge by design rather than because all cognitive abilities naturally intercorrelate. But perhaps the WJ-R is just a giant fluke, or perhaps its 29 tests correlate as a carryover from the previous edition of the test which had several of the same tests but was not based on anti-g ideas. Are there other examples of psychometricians accidentally creating strongly g-loaded tests against their best intentions? In fact, there is a long history of such inadvertent confirmations of the ubiquity of the g factor. This goes back at least to the 1930s and Louis Thurstone’s research on “primary mental abilities”.
Thurstone and Guilford
In a famous study published in 1938, Thurstone, one of the great psychometricians, claimed to have developed a test of seven independent mental abilities (verbal comprehension, word fluency, number facility, spatial visualization, associative memory, perceptual speed, and reasoning; see Thurstone 1938). However, the g men quickly responded, with Charles Spearman and Hans Eysenck publishing papers (Spearman 1939, Eysenck 1939) showing that Thurstone’s independent abilities were not independent, indicating that his data were compatible with Spearman’s g model. (Later in his career, Thurstone came to accept that perhaps intelligence could best be conceptualized as a hierarchy topped by g.)
The idea of non-correlated abilities was taken to its extreme by J.P. Guilford who postulated that there are as many as 160 different cognitive abilities. This made him very popular among educationalists because his theory suggested that everybody could be intelligent in some way. Guilford’s belief in a highly multidimensional intelligence was influenced by his large-scale studies of Southern California university students whose abilities were indeed not always correlated. In 1964, he reported (Guilford 1964) that his research showed that up to a fourth of correlations between diverse intelligence tests were not different from zero. However, this conclusion was based on bad psychometrics. Alliger 1988 reanalyzed Guilford’s data and showed that when you correct for artifacts such as range restriction (the subjects were generally university students), the reported correlations are uniformly positive.
British Ability Scales
Psychometricians have not been discouraged by past failures to discover abilities that are independent of the general factor. They keep constructing tests that supposedly take the measurement of intelligence beyond g.
For example, the British Ability Scales was carefully developed in the 1970s and 1980s to measure a wide variety of cognitive abilities, but when the published battery was analyzed (Elliott 1986), the results were quite disappointing:
Considering the relatively large size of the test battery […] the solutions have yielded perhaps a surprisingly small number of common factors. As would be expected from any cognitive test battery, there is a substantial general factor. After that, there does not seem to be much common variance left […]
What, then, are we to make of the results of these analyses? Do they mean that we are back to square one, as it were, and that after 60 years of research we have turned full circle and are back with the theories of Spearman? Certainly, for this sample and range of cognitive measures, there is little evidence that strong primary factors, such as those postulated by many test theorists over the years, have accounted for any substantial proportion of the common variance of the British Ability Scales. This is despite the fact that the scales sample a wide range of psychological functions, and deliberately include tests with purely verbal and purely visual tasks, tests of fluid and crystallized mental abilities, tests of scholastic attainment, tests of complex mental functioning such as in the reasoning scales and tests of lower order abilities as in the Recall of Digits scale.
An even better example is the CAS battery. It is based on the PASS theory (which draws heavily on the ideas of Soviet psychologist A.R. Luria, a favorite of Shalizi’s), which disavows g and asserts that intelligence consists of four processes called Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous, and Successive. The CAS was designed to assess these four processes.
However, Keith el al. 2001 did a joint confirmatory factor analysis of the CAS together with the WJ-III battery, concluding that not only does the CAS not measure the constructs it was designed to measure, but that notwithstanding the test makers’ aversion to g, the g factor derived from the CAS is large and statistically indistinguishable from the g factor of the WJ-III. The CAS therefore appears to be the opposite of what it was supposed to be: an excellent test of the “non-existent” g and a poor test of the supposedly real non-g abilities it was painstakingly designed to measure.
Triarchic intelligence
A particularly amusing confirmation of the positive manifold resulted from Robert Sternberg’s attempts at developing measures of non-g abilities. Sternberg introduced his “triarchic” theory of intelligence in the 1980s and has tirelessly promoted it ever since while at every turn denigrating the proponents of g as troglodytes. He claims that g represents a rather narrow domain of analytic or academic intelligence which is more or less uncorrelated with the often much more important creative and practical forms of intelligence. He created a test battery to test these different intellectual domains. It turned out that the three “independent” abilities were highly intercorrelated, which Sternberg absurdly put down to common-method variance.
A reanalysis of Sternberg’s data by Nathan Brody (Brody 2003a) showed that not only were the three abilities highly correlated with each other and with Raven’s IQ test, but also that the abilities did not exhibit the postulated differential validities (e.g., measures of creative ability and analytic ability were equally good predictors of measures of creativity, and analytic ability was a better predictor of practical outcomes than practical ability), and in general the test had little predictive validity independently of g. (Sternberg, true to his style, refused to admit that these results had any implications for the validity of his triarchic theory, prompting the exasperated Brody to publish an acerbic reply called “What Sternberg should have concluded” [Brody 2003b].)

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014


JAKARTA, — Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mengidentifikasi 262 penawaran investasi yang terindikasi bermasalah. Setelah ditelusuri, sebanyak 218 penawaran investasi tersebut tidak memiliki kejelasan izin dari otoritas berwenang.

Sementara 44 sisanya berada di bawah naungan sejumlah otoritas, seperti Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah, Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Komoditi Berjangka (Bappebti), Kementerian Perdagangan, serta Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. (Amailia Putri Hasniawati)

Berikut daftar perusahaan-perusahaan yang dirilis OJK, Jumat (7/11/2014) lalu:
    Nama Perusahaan                        Jenis Usaha
1 Arising Wealth Management          Investasi Uang
2                        Investasi Uang
3                                   Investasi Valas
4 Boss Venture                                 Investasi Online
5 Brent Properties                            Promissory Note
6 Bringintama                                  Investasi Uang
7 Cakra Buana Sukses                      Investasi Emas
8 Crown Capital Management           Investasi Saham Luar Negeri
9 CV. Anugerah Tekstil                     Investasi Pakaian
10 CV. Berkah Mandiri                       Investasi Emas
11 CV. Cahaya Mulya                         Investasi Pakaian
12 CV. Dinamitra Barokah                 Investasi Emas dan Valas
13 CV. Indotronik                              Investasi Pulsa
14 CV. Panenmas                              Investasi Produk Pertanian
15 CV. Smartline Infotech                  Investasi Produk Peralatan Elektronik
16 Cyberprast                                   Investasi Emas
17 Duta Business School Tabungan  Investasi Profesi Syariah (TIPS)
18 Equity World Futures                     Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
19 Exness Trading                              Investasi Valas
20 Feature Galeria                               Investasi Emas
21 Fortune F. Travel                             Voucher Investasi
22 Futura                                             Investasi Berjangka
23 Futurindo Multi Sejahtera (FMS)        Investasi Penanaman Modal Usaha
24 Gainscope                                        Investasi Valas
25 Go Director Club                              Investasi Uang
26 HIG Internasional Berjangka              Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
27                      Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
28            Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
29                      Investasi Emas
30                   Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan, website tidak bisa dibuka
31 jangka-pendek-3-6-dan-12-bulan/ 
      Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
32  Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
33 Investasi Tanah
34                         Investasi Online
35                   Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM Online
36                   Investasi Uang
37  Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
38     Investasi Berjangka, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
39                Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
40              Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
41  Investasi Emas GTIS
42  Investasi Uang
43                      Investasi Uang
44                 Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
45            Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM website tidak bisa dibuka
46   Investasi Uang
47  Investasi Uang
48      Investasi Valas
49 IG Mulia Investama                        Investasi Emas
50 I-Gist                                            Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
51 Imperium Capital                          Investasi Uang
52 IndexGB                                        Investasi Saham Luar Negeri
53 Indoclub                                       Investasi Uang
54                       Investasi Valas
55 Infocus indonesia                          Investasi Uang
56                                      Investasi Sejenis MMM
57 Interbisclub                                  Investasi Online
58 Internusa Megafina                       Lembaga Investasi Koperasi
59 Investasi Amanah 1                      Investasi Valas
60 Investasi Angel                             Investasi Uang
61 Investasi Bank Valas Cash (BFC)    Investasi Valas
62 Investasi fxzn                               Investasi Valas
63 Investasi Garuda Berjangka (
     Investasi Emas Online
64 Investasi Index Gold Bullion           Investasi Emas
65 Investasi Mavrodian ( Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
66 Investasi Micro-Transaction Processing   Investasi Jasa Transaksi
67 Investasi Pesantren "Padepokan Kanjeng Taat Pribadi" Investasi Uang, dengan imbal hasil besar
68 Kionex Investasi                          Alat Kesehatan
69 KJP Cipta Prima Sejahtera          Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
70             Investasi Emas
71 Kontak Perkasa Futures             Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
72 Koperasi Bubur Pandawa Mandiri     Investasi Uang
73 Koperasi Cipaganti                                 Investasi Uang
74 Koperasi Jasa Hukum                             Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan Jabon
75 Koperasi Jasa Profesi Cipta Prima Sejahtera  Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
76 Koperasi Karya Mandiri               Investasi Uang
77 Koperasi Masyari                        Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
78 Koperasi Mitra                            Investasi Uang, Deposito dengan bunga 10 persen
79 Koperasi Nasari                          Investasi Uang
80 Koperasi Pandawa Mandiri         Investasi Uang
81 Koperasi Persada Madani           Investasi Berjangka
82 Koperasi Pondok Pesantren (KOPONTREN)   Investasi Uang, dengan imbal hasil yang besar
83 Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama       Investasi Uang
84 koperasi Sumber Insan Mandiri  Investasi Uang, dengan imbal hasil yang besar
85 Koperasi Titian Utama       Investasi Uang, berupa penghimpunan dana masyarakat
86 Lembaga Kredit Financial Mitra Tiara  Investasi Uang, Koperasi dengan bunga tabungan 10   
87 Lembaga Pendidikan Medicom    Investasi untuk karyawan
88 London Capital Group Asia (LCGA) Investasi Valas
89 Mandiri Artha Gemilang     Investasi Uang
90 Marketing FKC Indonesia   Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM
91 Mface                                 Investasi Uang
92 MFC                   Investasi Token
93 MIDTOU                            Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
94 MLM QNET                      Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM, skema money game
95 MLM Talk Fusion            Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM berupa koin emas
96 MMM (Manusia Membantu Manusia)   Investasi Uang
97 Monex Investindo Futures   Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
98 MUSIX CELL                         Investasi Uang dengan produk rumah tangga
99 MYSMARTFX                        Investasi Valas
100 OANDA fx Trade                 Investasi Valas
101 ODNP                                Investasi Emas
102                Investasi Online
103 Pegasus Bullion                 Investasi Emas
104 PROFIT JUARA (   Investasi Uang
105 PT AIAS                             Investasi Pengumpulan Uang
106 PT Alsi Investindo Utama   Investasi Pengumpulan Uang
107 PT AMI                             Investasi Valas
108 PT Amoeba Investment     Investasi Valas
109 PT Armina Reka               Investasi Uang, berkedok ibadah haji
110 PT Asa Forestry               Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
111 PT Asian Gold Concept    Investasi Emas
112 PT Baskara Gold              Investasi Emas
113 PT Berkah Artha Legacy   Investasi Uang
114 PT Best Profit Futures      Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
115 PT Bimba AIUEO             Investasi Uang
116 PT Binari                         Investasi Uang
117 PT Bintang Bumi Mulia    Investasi Uang
118 PT Bruton Internasional   Investasi Uang
119 PT Cakrawala Sukses Indonesia  Investasi Emas
120 PT CD Angel Indonesia    Investasi Berjangka, Saham Luar Negeri
121 PT Central Capital Futures  Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
122 PT Cyber Futures                  Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
123 PT Divan Tour Travel            Investasi Uang
124 PT East Cape Mining Corporation (ECMC)  Investasi Emas
125 PT Eka Pioneer Groupindo   Investasi Berjangka, legalitas dipertanyakan
126 PT Elang Nusantara Investama Investasi Uang
127 PT Energy Karya Guna Madani   Investasi Singkong
128 PT Exist Assettindo  Investasi Uang
129 PT Fattriyal  Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
130 PT Fine Gold Indonesia  Investasi Emas
131 PT Futurindo Ventura Sejahtera (Futura) Investasi Uang, Penawaran Investasi
132 PT Global Media Nusantara      Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
133 PT Gold Bullion Indonesia (GBI)    Investasi Emas
134 PT Golden Bird   Investasi Emas
135 PT Golden Mandiri Investama  Investasi Emas
136 PT Golden Mining Indonesia   Investasi Emas
137 PT Golden Tradder Indonesia Syariah (GTIS)  Investasi Emas
138 PT Goldenmakmur Citra Sejahtera  Investasi Emas
139 PT Gombol Investasi Mandiri  Investasi Uang, Informasi mengenai Investasi
140 PT Gracia Invexindo  Investasi Uang, Pengumpulan dana
141 PT Harfam Jaya Makmur (   Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan Jati
142 PT Hidup Makmur Terencana   Investasi Uang, berupa dana keagamaan umat Kristiani
143 PT Hutara Surya Pratiwi  Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
144 PT IHS                            Investasi Uang
145 PT Indoboclub                Investasi Valas
146 PT IndoCV Berdikari       Investasi Tour dan Travel
147 PT Indoglobal Samrey International  Investasi Uang
148 PT Indotama Palapa Nusantara   Investasi Online
149 PT Interfund      Investasi Berjangka
150 PT International Hybrid Solution  Investasi Uang
151 PT Interpan Pasific     Investasi Berjangka
152 PT Investasi Madani   Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
153 PT Investasi Mandiri   Investasi Uang, Laporan investasi ilegal
154 PT Jalatama              Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
155 PT Kinet Internasional Limited   Investasi Alat Kesehatan
156 PT Lautan Emas Mulia (LEM)     Investasi Emas
157 PT LCGA International (   Investasi Valas
158 PT Legion Artha Mulia     Investasi Emas
159 PT Loka Wisata Asri Investasi Penyewaan dan Penjualan Properti
160 PT Mahadana Asta Berjangka  Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
161 PT Mahesa Alam Semesta     Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
162 PT Makira Nature   Investasi Emas
163 PT Mas Alam Semesta  Investasi Emas
164 PT Master Mitra Propertindo  Investasi Properti/Perumahan
165 PT Melia Sehat Sejahtera  Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM skema money game
166 PT Millenium Valas  Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
167 PT MISSI Investasi Uang, Informasi dari Deputi Komisioner Pengawas Perbankan IV diduga melakukan praktik investasi ilegal
168 PT Mitra Kurnia   Promissory Note
169 PT Mitra Mandiri Cipta Sejahtera Investasi Emas
170 PT Mitra Mandiri Gold   Investasi Emas
171 PT Mitra Super Sejahtera Indonesia  Investasi Uang
172 PT Moment Jaya  Investasi Uang, skema money game
173 PT Monex Trading  Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
174 PT Naga Dana Investment   Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
175 PT Nullabor Global Investama    Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
176 PT Nusa Indah Ciptakarya   Investasi Sektor Rill dan Ekspor Impor
177 PT Patrial Member  Investasi Uang
178 PT Peresseia Mazeaa Dwisapta Abadi (Primaz)   Investasi Emas
179 PT Pratama Indah Future  Investasi Properti dan Valas
180 PT Raharjo Grup  Investasi Properti/Tanah
181 PT Rajawali Grup  Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
182 PT Rajawali Penta Makmur  Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
183 PT Rekapitulasi   Investasi Valas
184 PT Reymount Futures   Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
185 PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka    Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
186 PT ROG Mandiri (   Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
187 PT Roso Dewe Halal Bergizi (RDHB)    Investasi Uang, Menghimpun dana masyarakat dengan menjual akta saham
188 PT Royal Premier Internasional    Investasi Uang
189 PT Samudera Nirwana Sakti         Investasi Tanah
190 PT Sari Asih                                Investasi Properti/Tanah
191 PT SAS Sugih Sejati                     Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan Jati
192 PT SDI Strategi Bisnis Indonesia  Investasi Jasa pelatihan dan workshop, keuntungan berupa modal usaha RP 20.000.000
193 PT Sejati Maju Bersama              Investasi Perhotelan
194 PT Sentra Artha                         Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
195 PT Sinar Rejeki Handal               Investasi Emas
196 PT Solid Gold Berjangka             Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
197 PT Surya Buana Kemilau             Investasi Emas, sejenis MLM skema money game
198 PT Surya Perdana Motor              Investasi Kendaraan
199 PT Swakarya Pratama Indonesia   Investasi Tabungan Haji
200 PT Teratai Capital Indonesia          Investasi Uang
201 PT Tri Putra Rajawali Internasional    Investasi Uang
202 PT Trijaya Pratama Future                Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
203 PT Trimas Mulia                              Investasi Emas
204 PT Trisan Simasindo                         Investasi Uang, Informasi Tawaran Investasi
205 PT Trust Artha                                 Investasi Emas
206 PT Utara Len                                     Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan
207 PT Utara Surya Pratiwi                     Investasi Properti/Tanah
208 PT Valbury Futures                        Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
209 PT Veritra Sentosa Internasional     Investasi Perhotelan
210 PT Virgin Gold Mining Corporation (VGMC)   Investasi Emas
211 PT Wein Group                             Investasi Uang
212 PT. Auto Monexal Investindo         Investasi Uang, berupa penghimpunan dana masyarakat
213 PT. Bumi Calipha Nusantara          Investasi Properti/Tanah
214 PT. Cakrawala Guna Nusa             Investasi Valas
215 PT. FBS                                        Investasi Valas
216 PT. Global Artha Futures             Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
217 PT. Golden Traders Indonesia Syariah      Investasi Emas
218 PT. Millenium Penata Futures         Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
219 PT. Tri Jaya Mandiri                    Investasi Valas
220 Raihan Jewellry                         Investasi di bidang Komoditi
221 RGCX (Rapid Gold Currency Exchange)       Investasi Valas
222 Russley Overseas Holding    Investasi Uang
223 Sama Sama Sejahtera         Investasi Uang
224       Investasi Uang
225 Server Pulsa                      Investasi Uang
226 SFX                                   Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
227 Signature Fund Ltd. (
 Investasi Uang, legalitas dipertanyakan
228 SMART Education             Investasi Uang
229 Speedline Incorporation Limited   Investasi Online
230 SSS (S3)                            Investasi Uang, informasi mengenai Penawaran Investasi
231 Standard Morgan            Investasi Uang
232 TBW Holding                   Investasi Komoditi Anggur
233 Team Red Dragon          Investasi Uang, Informasi Dugaan Investasi Ilegal
234 TEXSTAROIL.COM           Investasi Komoditi Minyak
235 Timersnet                       Investasi Emas
236 Victory Internasional Futures       Investasi Berjangka dan Komoditi
237 Wandermind           Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM
238 Westhill Consulting   Investasi Uang, Investasi
239 www.antamgold.  Investasi Emas
240  Investasi Online
241 (PT. SINAR LAUT SEJAHTERA) Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
242   Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
243    Investasi Emas
244   Investasi Berjangka, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
245          Investasi Valas
246      Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
247  Investasi Emas, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
248    Investasi Uang, sejenis MLM, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
249   Investasi Ayam Petelur
250       Investasi Emas, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
251            Investasi Perumahan
252     Investasi Tanah
253   Investasi Uang
254             Investasi Emas, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
255       Investasi Valas
256    Investasi Berjangka
257       Investasi Online
258  Investasi Properti/Tanah, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
259  Investasi Uang, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
260  Investasi Tanaman/Perkebunan, website sudah tidak bisa dibuka
261                  Investasi Uang
262 Dua Belas Suku                Investasi Uang