Each person must have a desire, goal or aspiration. But of course nothing is blocking them, for example, money, parents, friends, lazy, PD, physical condition, and so on. Actually there is one thing that inhibits a person seldom realized goal, namely comfort zone. What is a comfort zone? A young child when told to brush your teeth, they do not want. Because for him to brush my teeth is uncomfortable. Because the child is constantly told to brush my teeth by then the child's parents finally feel comfortable with the tooth brushing. Once mature, brush your teeth into a comfort zone. If he is not allowed to brush your teeth for 3 days then it feels very uncomfortable. There is a standard minimum wage employee whose salary or even below the minimum wage. He did not want to get out of that environment, whether it be to find another job or create a new business that is much larger income. For him a salary below the minimum wage is a comfort zone. If he's out, must feel uncomfortable because my wife and kids are confused to support where. Comfort zone is not all bad, for example, brush your teeth before. However, the comfort zone is the bottleneck most often not realized. A world-class athlete, a singer who is famous or successful entrepreneurs that have often stopped or reduced gempurnya power when he felt quite. He already felt comfortable entering the zone, so there is nothing more to be fought again. The size of your success depends on how far you venture out of their comfort zone. Maybe you are very close to success, but the success of it is outside of your comfort zone. That way you do not know or do not realize that you can be much more successful. One day there was a man interested in a woman. When approaching the woman wants the man filled with doubts, whether accepted or rejected later. In fact there is another problem for the men's, women always want to approach when there is a problem, whether it's out in a cold sweat, or maybe sick stomach, so that the male not be approached. The woman actually likes the man before, but because men had never revealed his love, the woman ended up going with another man. The man had lost women because they do not want to venture out of their comfort zone. Many of the cases in the world of education that such was the case of men. For example feeling nervous or shaky when test SBMPTN, not daring to meet faculty, do not dare complain about the problem to teachers and so on. And if it encounters a teacher or lecturer quickly finished the problem directly. One of the things that is powerful enough to overcome this is to follow the firewalk. What is a firewalk? As the name implies firewalk was walking on fire. Everyone's afraid if asked to walk on fire. Because as long as they understand this is the hot fire, the fire burned out, then if you pass on the fire must have his feet blistered. Though not every fire as hot, not any wood that is burned produces the same heat, soil type also influence the place burn. By knowing this we can carry out the firewalk, which runs on top of the fire scientifically. Indeed, following the firewalk no economic profit. But psychologically, it was very nice. You are invited to turn fear into courage instantly. You are invited out of your comfort zone, so much more successful. Often when held firewalk, the participants were told to fear when it first passed the fire. However, for the second or third they started laughing as he passed. They feel uncomfortable zone has been transformed into a comfort zone. What is more important is that they can give meaning, "If it could, especially as I can." When you feel fear, cold sweat, ahead SBMPTN you can actually eliminate it instantly. How to eliminate fear is exactly when you eliminate the fear before the firewalk. Sometimes the fear boldly difference is only 2 mm. Maybe you are wondering since when fear and dare the difference in the form of units of length? The point here the position of your body, greatly affect the movement of your fear and courage. It will all be easily taught when following the firewalk.
The people who have the expertise or the world-class talent, it turns out they have spent the time to pursue the field for 10,000 hours. Bill Gates, have spent the time to pursue the programmer to 10,000 hours. The musicians who already pursue their fields of up to 10,000 hours at the age of 20 years, they akahirnya into an elite class of music players. If they spent 8000 hours, they become professional musicians, but did not get into the elite class. If they just spent 6000 hours, they just become a music teacher in the public schools. Penghasian obtained from three types of professions is very much different. Music teacher in the public schools, far less income with professional musicians. Professional musician income far less than elite music player. Ancient times different from today. In ancient times, when people work less, failure too little. If they're doing-being, then he would get moderate. If they are doing a lot, then the result is too many. In today's conditions are much different. If someone is doing a little bit, then he does not get anything. If someone is working on a moderate, then he will get a moderate, and if he's doing much, then he will get everything. 100m sprint runner who won the 1 with 2 champion, had a much different outcome, but they only differ trillionth of a second. 1st place prize dperoleh much different from the champion 2. If there is a strong drug companies want to put runners commercials, then that is used is the champion 1. If there is a shoe company that wants to put runners then used is the champion 1. If people want to find a motivator of olahragawn run, then used is winner 1. So, if we look, if someone has become the number one in its field, then he will get his everything. International sportsman, professional world-class, international class speakers, music players, even to hardened criminals, they have trained themselves up to 10,000 hours. So, if you want to be number one in your field, then you take the time to 10,000 hours. If someone pursue their field for 10 hours every day, then within 3 years he will reach 10,000 hours. Focus on your plane for 10 hours every day for 3 years, then you will have a very brilliant achievement. Good luck.
If you hear the term surefire way to cheat, then you definitely could want to know how. Even so you do not necessarily want to practice. But here is what I mean about how cheating is telling the right, so that benefits are too many. The point I was taught how we can succeed in cheating and not harm others.
Of course I am not going to teach you how to cheat at school replications. This is tantamount to teach students how to graft. LHA is dimaksut cheating here what? Sebenarya, cheating is the most intense moment of the top and to be successful. If you want to get rich, the rich conteklah way of doing business. By way of cheating, you will be protected from the risks of bankruptcy that will happen. You can focus more on businesses whose income is large, the risk is small, too little capital. If necessary do not use capital. Is there a business like this? Apparently a lot.
Suppose you want to learn to cook. It would be better if you learn in those who are already expert cook. There is a true story, someone who can not cook to try to race cook fried rice. How to do? Of course cheating. He did not try to learn from the seller fried rice, fried rice because the seller is not necessarily the most delicious cuisine. He tried to contact the people who never won fried rice cooking competition. He immediately learned of champions 1, jauara 2, and 3rd place. The former champion got a winner 1 for cooking the most delicious fried rice. Second Place was once because of a good presentation. Third Place since he first fried egg wonderful results. After he learned to his third second place at last he can. Not bad, I was not able to cook at all eventual champion II.
When you cheat, use an ATM formula, namely Observe, Imitate, and modification. Do not just wear ATP, namely Observe, Imitate, Plek. In the early days it was not anything we use ATP, as if from the beginning we change, become less precise. And usually when we are only cheating one person only, the results are no better than the first. If we cheat stoned 77 ice making, ice jazzed be 66.
A bank branch, want to make the highest growth in its ATM card. What did he do? She was cheating on other banks. When there are other banks that are high growth, he immediately imitate the way. There are other banks higher growth because it gives the car raffle. It is rather mengheranan if obstruction branch could hold their own lottery. Apparently they wear sports funding. With no lottery is certainly high pertumbuah his ATM card. Then he was also looking for another bank ATM card pertumbuahan high. It turns out they were hunting in a zoo. That is what? It turns out that all clients are required to have an ATM (first time was not mandatory). Kemuadian also he is still looking for another bank's high population growth. Apparently, other banks that make student on campus closest card into an ATM card. Just imagine what would happen if the three way combined? Surely it would be devastating not exceptional.
So this is the importance of cheating. A great way to cheat is very useful, makes us successful and others are also successful. Even this method can also be adequate for at school. Of course, in a good way. Not cheating is prohibited. A student can work on the problems of physics because he often saw the discussion of physics. Very rare and scarce in the early high school, students are taught theoretical physics alone could then work on the problems. Those who can do the problems (if I may say 100% ga ya 99%) are those who previously had seen the questions discussed. So, if you still find it difficult beajar physics, many-many are cheating (meaning many-many see discussion matter) then you are also a lot of exercises. If you just read the questions and discussion only, then you definitely can not. Likewise, if you no mebaca questions then try the exercise alone, then you can not. May be useful.
Penguin is a funny animal, because of its unique movement. Penguins can walk using his legs and sometimes using the belly. Her form does not allow this beast to fly. Natural habitat of penguins in the south pole. No one lives at the north pole.
Some are unique to the penguins, when breeding. Penguins have a faithful partner, a male paired with a female for the rest of his life. Ahead lay-penguin penguins gathered in one place. They travel hundreds of miles. Once assembled, precisely in the winter, the females begin to lay eggs. Each female issue one egg left to the male.
The male put the egg on his feet. Dense fur is used to cover the eggs earlier. Temperatures down to-50oC. The wind which has a speed of 100 km / h fly ice and snow. The mutual male pressed his body to ward off the cold. If the male penguin goes, then the course must be very careful, because the eggs must not fall. If the egg falls, then the egg will freeze instantly.
Sacrifices made this penguin is very difficult to understand by humans. They incubate the eggs without eating for 4 months. Indeed, a sacrifice that requires toughness. While the female penguin has another task. Female penguins go into the sea to find food. Food was sought, in addition to himself, is also used for children when it was hatched.
When spring begins to take place, the eggs were incubated males begin to hatch. After hatching, the child will be at the foot penguin father. The first food kids meals penguin is back in his craw. So, in addition to sacrifice not eating for 4 months, male penguins are also making sacrifices to store food reserves in the cache.
Children penguins take food by inserting its beak into his beak. Not long after that came the female penguin. Female penguins carry a lot of food reserves. Penguins children delivered from the male penguin to penguin females. After submitting his ank to the female, the male penguin to the sea to find food.
Once full hunting fish, the male penguins immediately returned to care for her children. Children are cared for by the male and female penguins in turn, until one day the child has the ability to hunt penguins themselves.
That the sacrifices made by penguins. How could the penguins were able to starve for 4 months? In general, all the creatures that making sacrifices for the sake of other beings will have more endurance. It is also experienced by humans. When humans think of the objec others turned penderitanan antibodies increased, thus causing himself more able to deal with any disease that might attack. That is why the people who are helping others who suffer cenderungmemiliki immune system much stronger.
Ever conducted research on several volunteers to be examined antibodies. After that they were asked to watch the film struggles mother Theresa who help abandoned children in Calcutta India. After watching, they all feel touched. Then they diperksa antibodies in his body, and oddly enough antibodies in the body increased by 20%. Amazing is not it?
When the Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis, many were captured them, then performed attempted murder. they are dried in the sun, sometimes also given a poisonous gas, to determine which ones are effective ways to kill people. In these circumstances the Jews had much to complain. In an earlier complaining, there are also those who help others. Although in a state of distress and suffering, there are some among them who still wants to help his friend. Some of them began to die one by one. Unique, they are willing to help her, turns her endurance menjdi stronger. Precisely those who helped even more quickly died, while helping those who died later.
So, from now on try to want to think about others. In addition to making ourselves better, it can also be used as a charitable saving us in the hereafter.
In a classroom, a teacher teaching teaching. In the class there is a student who is always restless. The students do not seem to learn konsentrasidalam.
After the school bell was rung, the students immediately pulang.Guru the disciple's calling. The teacher said, "Son, I see from earlier you seem nervous and concentration in learning. Was what? Tell me, who knew she could help." The boy replied, "I'm sorry ma'am teacher. From earlier I did not pay attention to the lessons mother. I can not concentrate, knowing there is a problem bu again."
The teacher continued, "Please tell me my son, who knew she could help menyelesaiakan problem." The boy said, "I'm sorry ma'am teacher. Actually I want to tell you my problem., But I worry about disturbing the teacher. Yesterday I saw of the teacher is very busy."
The teacher replied, "Son, now the teacher is not busy anymore, so you can tell your problem to the mother. Mothers will be ready to listen and help menyelesaiak problem." The boy again said, "Mom, mom pupils it is not just me alone. In this class there are 40 students. Mothers must be very busy. Yet another mother plus students in other classes."
"Well" said the teacher bu. "If you do not want to tell your problem, will you help me?" Replied the student, "What can I help the teacher?" The teacher replied, "You'd better get ten small candles in the closet along with the matches."
The pupils without thinking to do what the teacher ordered bu. He took 10 small candles and a match that is stored in the cupboard. Once submitted to the teacher, then the teacher mom said, "Try to use the lighter to light a candle." The child immediately. A candle has been lit.
The teacher continued, "Try to turn the other candles using a candle that has been lit this." The student did as he was told bu teacher. He lit another small candles using a candle that has been lit. "
Once completed bu teacher said, "Look son, now the first candle is lit, the light is reduced or not?" Student said "No ma'am teacher". "That kid, even if the mother helps your problem, not burdened mother.'s All will not interfere with mother issues.'s Mother is already a task to help students problem menyelesaiakan mother."
Lessons That Can Be Taken
That is, sometimes humans are unique. There are times when he wants to help the problem, but no one is willing to help menyelesaiakan problem. There are times when other people want to help menyelesaiakn problem, but he did not want to be helped. What is clear in the lives of others still need help.
To help the burdens of others. You are not going to be weak for asking for help from others. It's all exactly like wax that helps small candles lit another. The light still will not be reduced.
Do we have to be optimistic? Of course it does. But sometimes too optimistic harm, especially if optimistic in the wrong place. When the United States sent troops to Vietnam, partly ditangkat by Vietnamese troops. Finally they were imprisoned. At the end of this story a lot of soldiers who died in custody and there are some surviving until finally freed. When one of the soldiers who liberated asked, what is the difference between you with your friends who died first? The soldier replied, Those who died first were the ones that optimistic. The interviewer immediately shocked. What? What does it mean? Apparently the people who died first were the ones that optimistic. They average optimistic once that is not how long they will be free. They think that the American government will not remain silent, so as not to how long they will dibebaskan.Si surprised the interviewer directly. What? What does it mean? Apparently the people who died first were the ones that optimistic. They average optimistic once that is not how long they will be free. They think that the American government will not remain silent, so as not to how long they will be freed. When the American government does not release them, they still believe to be released. They think, oh later pas christmas day, surely we will dibebaskanÃ, Â. It turns out they do not fit released Christmas day. Finally they think à ¢ â, ¬ Å "Oh, then fitting the new year, we definitely dibebaskan.Ã, Â? It turns out that fitting the new year are not exempt as well. Finally they minded, Ã,  Later, fitting Velentine day, surely we will dibebaskanÃ, Â. Until the 14th of February (Valentine's Day) they are not exempt as well. They are still optimistic and think Oh, I'll fit the 4th of July, we certainly freed. Turns pas July 4 (Independence Day) they still have not been released. They were so optimistic, and it turns out because expectations are not met, they k Do we have to be optimistic? Of course it does. But sometimes too optimistic harm, especially if optimistic in the wrong place.
Now consider when you would get on a plane. Toward the fly, the flight attendants always explain how to wear a life jacket and a respirator. This means that airlines are not 100% optimistic. Never was announced that the airlines certainly survived. But they taught something hrus do when experiencing an emergency landing. Likewise, when the elections department at SBMPTN (formerly SNMPTN). If a few days before SBMPTN Try Out value you only 20 you should not be feeling optimistic, so dare choose STEI ITB. When consultants XPERT MTI direct you to another department, you say, we've got to be optimistic. You know, optimistic that as this is of no use. However, if the value of your Try Out in January is still 20 and you still want to choose STEI ITB, then we will allow. You may be optimistic. In fact there was never his student TO value in January was 20, in the month of super intensive reached 60 and finally got STEI ITB. Of course, to achieve something like this, the students had to learn it out day and night. So it is more important not optimistic, but positive. Once again, think positive, not optimistic. Remain optimistic we need to do, but it must be at the right time. You can not jump from the 20th floor for the reason you survived is definitely optimistic.
South Pole, an area that is very cold. The temperature can reach-70oC. In 1911 there were two people who berkompertisi to explore the south pole, they are Roald Amundsen (Norwegian) and Robert Falcon Scott (from the UK). Both of these guys compete, who first reached the South Pole. At first they planned to the north pole, will tatapi in 1909 there were explorers reach, so they are heading to the south pole. When Scott and his team conduct exploration to the south pole, they encountered many obstacles, from cold temperatures, snow storms and other. Some of his men who died there, and sadly when he reached the south pole, they've seen the flag Amundsen had been there 5 weeks ago. They are disappointed and sad. Eventually they get home. On the way the They encountered many difficulties, because of the snow storm and very cold air. More unfortunately more of them die one by one until eventually all die, including Scott. What is the difference between the Scott Amundsen? Scott explore the south pole with 15 people. They took with them one ton. While Amundsen five, they took with them 3 tons. During the trip, they left most of his supply on the trip. Closed by using a safety to prevent damage, then given a pile, and in some corners within a distance of 100 m is still marked. After a few miles, they do the same thing. The purpose of leaving the groceries, in addition to ease their burden, will also be used for home supplies. Before this exploration, Amundsen has done bnanyak preparation. They toured Europe, with mekakai bike for latuhan strength. Then learn from the Eskimos, why people are so powerful Eskimos travel long distances in the winter, is to learn to calculate the power of the breath. Amundsen then also learn to kill the dolphins (that is now definitely banned, but there has been no ban earlier times). Often, when people stranded at sea, help save the dolphins. But when he got on the ground, they also die because of not getting food. Rather than die, why not take all the dolphins. Besides team Amundsen also things about skiing and sled dogs. Given this preparation, of course, far behind the team Scott Amundsen team. Even when the team Scott damage compass, they do not have a backup, Amundsen was right team have some spare compass in preparation. The result of all this, the trip from scott team misses a few tens of miles. This is a lesson for us. Dlam everyday life we also need the name of preparation. Whether the UN, SNMPTN, labor, business and others. With the preparation of this then we will easily deal with the possibilities that can not be unexpected. Often people do not want to make a good preparation. Often people lazy sweat in training time, consequently he bathed in the blood of war.

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