Selasa, 04 Februari 2014



By : Ir . Agrend Wisnu Kusuma
(Owner, General Manager, Instructure, Writer, Blogger and Nationality Test Motivator)

 Library is a repository of knowledge and the future generation , School / College is studying its doors country boy . The library is one of the nation 's investment assets in advancing education in Indonesia, wherever located and no matter how small its services . Have we continue to look in the mirror and reflect on the face of education are committed to improving the land of a thousand islands . One of the fundamental causes of decline in the quality of our education is the lack of interest in reading Indonesian people . Interest in reading has been the one big problem for the Indonesian nation . Why not, when the public interest in Indonesia, including the lowest in Asia . Irony indeed . And I am sure you would agree that it's a lot of writing education experts to review about this phenomenon before.Indonesian excel above only Cambodia and Laos . In fact, the lower the reading habit , disease ignorance and poverty would potentially threaten the progress and the existence of this nation . Worse yet, the lack of interest in reading is not only occurring in the general population , but also the students in elementary , junior high , high school , even college students at any level of interest in reading is relatively low . Even yesterday's events in 2013 , one of the country 's best state university library was the scene of certain elements of corruption in the local academic community officials . What's wrong with this country library ?National Library expressed an interest or book reading culture among the people of Indonesia , especially in remote areas or villages are still lower or less encouraging . " Not one of them is not encouraging because no interest , but the availability of a book that could stimulate them to read less well , " said Head of the Training Center of the National Library ( NLI ) Gardjito as a speaker in a talk show in the library culture festival held in Surabaya Bratang Nursery Saturday . Moreover , he added , Indonesian society is stronger on the oral culture of the culture of reading . " Especially at this time there is no culture to hear , " he said . UNESCO in 2012, the index recorded a reading interest in Indonesia reached 0,001 . This means that in every 1,000 people , there is only one person who has interest in reading . While UNDP released the adult literacy rate is only 65.5 per cent of Indonesia , while Malaysia has reached 86.4 per cent (Source Citation Reuters , 2 November 2013 ) .If we compare with neighboring countries such as Malasyia , Thailand and the Philippines alone , really felt it was child's interest in reading is still relatively under their country , it can be seen from its investment in its education output quality and quantity of absorption of foreign workers ( TKI / TKW ) in various favorite companies abroad . Moreover, if we compare it with the most advanced countries in Asia such as Japan then it is so contrary to the educational climate in Japan is growing fast and full of innovation in the work . Nowadays of course we have already seen how the progress of science and technology development in Japan . All this is because the Japanese government to prioritize the needs of the community reading material , especially school children and students , so no surprise if the library , especially on college campuses Japan , always crowded student .Different from the conditions in Indonesia campus library , university library is no more just as a storage and display various collections of books and other reference materials . If the student has accumulated and task deadline , then the library patrons began to grow , and even then not significant . More ironically , the campus library is often used as a place for courtship , not a place to read and discuss . As a college student and aspiring scientists , the library should be the most sought after , especially in finding a reference to making or completing tasks lectures . Factors to be the causes loneliness library , in addition to declining student interest in reading , as well as libraries can not keep up with the times by not meeting the needs of students . To meet the needs of assignments , students often prefer the instant way , which is looking for learning support material on the internet . Therefore, it has become a major challenge and liabilities and other campus libraries to compile programs that attractive , innovative , spectacular and competitive future for the better.Try us and take a closer look at the environment around us . Why places - places of entertainment such as the Mall , Cafe & Resto , discos , cafes, cinemas , musical stage entertainment and many other more favored by our society , especially students and the youth . The place is a favorite event with shared motives and expectations are different. While the library at the provincial , regional , college and even school libraries are still relatively quiet rural visitors and enthusiasts . Unless specifically mobile library serving the needs of supply and facilitate reading and underprivileged street children in various corners of the country . Therefore, all elements of cabinet government and educational scholars in this country soon standby , the reform strategy , and real action . If necessary , this cabinet set for Reading National Day as a form of early joint movement to all parts of the country to the intelligence of the rise of the nation .Why the low student interest in reading ? According to ( Arixs : 2006) there are six factors that cause : ( 1 ) learning system in Indonesia has not made ​​the student must read the book , ( 2 ) the number of places of entertainment , games , and TV shows that distract them from reading the book , ( 3 ) reading culture had never inherited our ancestors , while still dominant culture said culture than reading , ( 4 ) a means to obtain readings like other libraries are still a rare commodity , ( 5 ) the uneven spread of reading materials in various walks of life ( 6 ) and encouragement to read not grown since praperguruan higher education .Library actually plays an important role for the creation of a culture of reading for students . The library is a bridge towards mastery of science , can provide an important contribution to the opening of access to information , as well as providing accurate data for making the reference sources for pengembangkan science . And all of it can only get by reading . That's why the campus library should be designed in such a way so that the student and academic community more comfortable there . Libraries must be able to satisfy the thirst of the students are thirsty for knowledge in four ways .First , add the library facilities and infrastructure , such as lack of facilities and internet network or wi - fi , reproduce discussion space , and improve the reading room . If this can be realized , it will certainly attract the attention of students visit the library. And seems to have a lot run by the state and private universities in Indonesia favorite lately .Second , provide good service , friendly , and friendly . This is particularly important given the visitors are students educated . So if there is a service of the officers who were poor and unsatisfactory course they will protest and less comfortable in using library facilities . Promote and facilitate criticism and suggestion box in the library .Third , the availability of adequate collection of books . Collection of reading material ( books or literarur ) is the most important component for the library . Collections are expected to possess a minimum of a library book is a must for any subject taught and the amount should be sufficient . According to Education Minister Decree 0686/U/1991 , every basic subjects and skills courses should be provided two books shall be the number of copies of at least 10 % of the number of students taking the course .Fourth , create a reading on campus climate . Conducive academic environment will encourage students to be diligent to the library . It can be done , for example by means of the lecturer giving reading assignments for students .If the library can provide a good service in various aspects and provides a variety of needs required literature , the student will come to the library a lot . Such environment can not be created by the library alone , but must cooperate with the entire campus community . Let's move to save the reading interest of the nation through the optimization of the role and function of an ideal library and technology-based modern. Good Luck. ( AWK 14 ) .Presented by Warriors Galileo Bogor

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